Sunday, April 11, 2010

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Miller

Our story began just over a year ago. It's hard to believe how fast time flies and hard to believe we are finally married! It seems like the weeks and days leading up to our wedding seemed to drag on forever and now we've been married for over a month already! We thought it was probably time to post a few pictures from our wedding day.

We are loved! It was so much fun having family and friends join us to celebrate this much awaited anticipated event.
Braden and Luke, it is okay for us to kiss. We are married :).
Dress, check. Veil, check. Temple bag, check. Groom, check. (Mark was a little anxious as he was driving to the temple and very relieved when we pulled up right behind him. Rats, I wanted to make him sweat a little bit. :))
cute shoes, yeah I know :)
My mom was simply amazing. She made all those little poka dot dresses-aren't they so cute!
already watching over me
We were and are very happy!
Ahh. Love that boy. Just relaxing with him at my side. I love the content look on his face (I think he loves me too :)).
The new Mrs. I love that I only had to change 2 letters from Michel to Miller. (It makes it easier to fix when you forget that you are now Miller. The 'c' can easily be made into an 'l' and so can the 'h'-not that I've had to do that or anything :))
If I could whistle, I would!

and this is the beginning of forever. . .


  1. Cute pictures! You guys look so good together and I love your flowers!

  2. Hey - if my camera battery hadn't died yesterday, I think I might have tied you on getting your wedding photos blogged. As it is, you have much better ones than I do. Very nice, Mrs. Miller.

  3. You are so cute. The wedding pictures are beautiful. I love the polka dot dressed and your shoes!

  4. Hooray!!! Pictures! Thanks for remembering the sad people on the other side of the US that miss ya and want to be there! I can't believe a month has gone by. Congrates! Those are great pictures. I love your dress, I love your pictures. How happy you both look. You seriously made my day to see your pictures and to see how happy you are! What a great day. :)

  5. Oh Charity, reading this gave me chills! I am SOOOOOOOOOO thrilled for you! You make a beautiful couple, and I can see in your eyes how happy you are.

    Congratulations!! :)

  6. I have been waiting for you to blog about this! Welcome back! It was a beautiful wedding- I am so happy for you two. Love you sister!

  7. Well it's about TIME! You would have thought you were to busy or something.:) You guys are so cute together! Love the pictures! You looked beautiful! I'm so extremely happy for the both of you! Love ya tons!

  8. I was so excited to see the wedding pictures. It looks like it was a beautiful wedding. You looked beautiful and you and Mark make a very handsome couple. I am SO HAPPPY for you both.
