Thursday, January 13, 2011

I think we'll start a zoo

I mean, how hard can it be? After a day of researching, photographing, and many hours of serious reflection, Mark and I have decided we are going to build a zoo.

Step 1: Put up disclaimer signs. (In case you can't read the sign, it says "Animals are only intermittenly visible in this enclosure today. This may be due to cold weather, special feedings or other reasons such as the introduction of new animals. Thank you for understanding that excellent animal care means not all animals can be visible at all times.)

Step 2: Set out fresh food in obvious spots many times daily

Step 3: Hire your "zookeepers" to stand at various exhibits throughout the zoo occasionally pointing to the "sleeping" animals in the trees.

Step 4: (Plastic or stuffed animals work great as fill in animals in a zoo and cost a lot less. Just make sure to reposition the animal in different positions or locations throughout the day in case people return to the exhibit.)

Step 5: Last but not least, make sure you purchase a couple of real animals so that the visitors leave happy and want to return soon. Actually you might even inspire them to become zookeepers when they grow up or as a grown up you might inspire them to build their own zoo!
P.S. Yes I realize this is an old event, but Mark and I have been having so much fun enjoying each others company that we haven't been recording it. Hopefully we will post several "catching up" blogs to get back to the present.


  1. Yes, it soes look quite sunny and warm at that zoo for January - possibly you could build a weather control into your new zoo as well. By the way, I think you have a prime location for this new zoo right there at the ranch. Everyone always thinks the driveway is a parking spot anyway - you just need the signs and the stuffed animals and you're set!

  2. That is funny but so true! People pay good money and then see "this animal is gone because...." Looks like fun!
