Friday, September 2, 2011

Casting Call

 With determinion
a few shakes in our voices
and first time solo performances for both of us

Mark and I auditioned for our stake's Savior of the World production happening in December.  Our fingers are still crossed we get in, but we haven't heard yet. . . If we are in, you have to come see the performance (actually it might be better if you came to watch the production if we don't get in ;)). 

1 comment:

  1. so????? did you get in????

    and did you know that you can "pre-post" your blog posts? When you are typing your blog, just click the lil' button on the lower left corner of the blog writing area for "Post Options" (or something similar to that)...then choose the date & time you want to post.....i use it all the time and then i look cool b/c it looks like i am posting more than i really am. ha ha.
